Lecture by Nathalie Trenaman, RIPE
Addressing und Address-Policies
- Date:
- 28th of April 2014, 6pm to 9pm
- Lieu:
Digicomp, Limmatstrasse 50, Zürich
- Event sponsor:
- Public cible:
- IT Leiter und Architekten, Engineers, Administratoren, Developer
On Monday April 28, Nathalie Trenaman from RIPE visited us in Zurich. She taught best practices for addressing and showed where and how organizations can get their IPv6 range .
Lecture was held in English.
RIPE NCC is the Regional Internet Registry responsible for IPv6 distribution in Europe, Middle East and Central Asia. We build awareness among all Internet stakeholders of the need to deploy IPv6. At this moment, RIPE NCC has over 10.000 members. 69% of these members have a block of IPv6 addresses.
The first hurdle of an IPv6 deployment is building a scalable IPv6 addressing plan. Since there are so many addresses and distribution is done in subnets, a lot of engineers and architects see this phase of the deployment as one of the most challenging.
Nathalie will shine a light on current best practices, taking into account different transitioning mechanisms and end users.
The final agenda will be published shortly. We expect many visitors, so register early:
Registration through Digicomp website...
18.00 | Welcome speech by Silvia Hagen, President Swiss IPv6 Council |
18.05 | Nathalie Trenaman, RIPE Part 1
Part 2
19.00 | Q&A, discussion |
19.30 | Apéro |
21.00 | End |
Anmeldung und Kosten
An der Abendkasse werden pro Besucher CHF 20.– Unkostenbeitrag für das Swiss IPv6 Councils eingezogen.

RIPE Network Coordination Centre
Nathalie Trenaman is a Trainer at the RIPE Network Coordination Centre (NCC). She travels throughout the RIPE NCC service region (Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia) to give training courses on a number of topics, including: Local Internet Registry (LIR), IPv6, and the Routing Registry. Nathalie is also responsible for the ongoing development of all the IPv6 training course material.
Prior to joining the RIPE NCC, Nathalie spent eight years working for LIRs. To date, she has over ten years of experience in technical roles such as IPv4 and IPv6, DNS, domain names and network engineering.
Nathalie Trenaman joined the RIPE NCC in 2007 as an IP Resource Analyst in the Registration Services Department. Much of her work was focused on the area of Registration Data Quality (RDQ). In 2010 she joined the Training Team full time. In her spare time Nathalie is a board member for ColoClue, the Dutch Network Association.